Where can I apply?
Our online application can be found here.
Can I be in a departmental honors program and the University Honors Program?
Yes! Neither excludes the other as long as you fulfill each program's requirements.
What special courses are offered to Honors Students?
Honors Seminars are one (1) unit courses that Honors Scholars are required to take once an academic year.
Other Honors Courses that are offered can be counted towards General Education and major requirements.
Additional information regarding Honors Courses can be found here.
Do I have to be an incoming freshman to apply?
- For Fall 2025, we are accepting applications from first year, admitted students and continuing, UCM students who will be second-year students in the 2025-2026 academic year.
I am currently enrolled at UC Merced. Can I apply for the Honors Program?
Current first-year UCM students may apply as continuing students starting Spring 2025 for the Fall 2025 cohort.
Can I apply as a transfer student?
Incoming lower division transfer students may apply for the program starting Spring 2026 for the Fall 2026 cohort.
Am I able to submit multiple items for the Creative Product portion of my application?
- We kindly ask that you submit only one (1) Creative Product for your application.
Do I have to live on campus in order to officially participate in the University Honors Program?
- No, you do not have to live on campus in order to officially join the program!
- For Honors Scholars that are electing to live on campus, we offer them a chance to live within the Honors Living Learning Community (Honors LLC). However, it is not required for an Honors Scholar to live on campus.
- We do expect all Honors Scholars to attend mandatory workshops/meetings on campus (whether you live on or off campus).
- Once we get closer to the start of the semester, we will send out important dates to all Honors Scholars.
I applied for the Fall 2025 cohort - when should I expect to receive decisions if I am admitted to the program?
We aim to notify all applicants of our decisions in mid-March 2025. Decisions will be sent out on a rolling basis.
I am placed on the waitlist for the Fall 2025 cohort - what happens next?
- If a spot becomes available for the 2025-2026 academic year, we will reach out to those on our waitlist as soon as possible. If you have a specific question about the decision you received, please email us directly at honors@ucmerced.edu.
I applied for the Fall 2025 cohort but I was not selected as a finalist to join the program. Can I apply for future cohorts?
- Absolutely! You may reapply for future cohorts of the University Honors Program if you were not admitted to the current cohort.